Rose and Geranium – did you know?

Rose and geranium essential oils used in skin care products absorb into the skin to hydrate, tone and tighten. Rose and Geranium essential oils are antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-aging and help protect your skin from environmental pollutants and UV damage. They are deeply moisturizing and can help relieve the flaking and itching associated with psoriasis and eczema. Practice the ancient …

Did you know?

Honey, one of the organic ingredients in our products, has been used on the skin or taken internally as a healing agent as far back as the ancient Egyptians.  Humans are depicted foraging for honey in 8000 year old cave paintings found in Spain. Honey has antibacterial and antioxidant properties and sealed honey, thousands of years old, has been discovered …


Lavender essential oil has been used cosmetically and therapeutically for over 2500 years! It improves mood, relieves stress and depression, soothes your senses for a better nights sleep, alleviates headaches and is a natural antioxidant. The ancient Romans and Greeks added lavender to their bath water to nourish and cleanse their skin. The Romans gave lavender its name; the word …